From decentralized trials to AI, clinical research is changing fast. Though such advances hold great promise for better health outcomes, they also put patients at risk of getting lost in the shuffle, their stake in the industry forgotten. That’s where Univo IRB comes in. Amidst a whirlwind of change and advancement, the newly renamed company stands steadfast in patient centricity.  

What inspired Univo IRB? What’s next for us? Julie Blasingim, our president, sat down for an exclusive interview with Outsourcing-Pharma to answer these questions and more. Read the resulting article, “From Principal to Univo IRB, Julie Blasingim on a Mission to Revolutionize Research Ethics,” for details on:  

  • Univo IRB’s main goals 
  • How we plan to evolve while keeping patients at the forefront  
  • Upcoming Univo IRB technology  
  • The patient’s essential role in research  
  • The future of Univo IRB

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