How IRBs Can Keep Up With the Rest Of The Clinical Research Industry 

In the clinical research community, ensuring optimal patient protection is crucial. Originating from the ethical principles in the Belmont Report, institutional review boards (IRBs) were created to safeguard human research participants. But since their creation, IRB companies have struggled to adapt to modern clinical trials. How can they evolve to meet current needs while maintaining high standards of protection? 

In this piece for Clinical Leader, Julie Blasingim explores how IRBs can stay ahead in the clinical research industry by embracing continuous improvement and patient-centered innovations. Read it now to learn:  

  • The impact COVID-19 had on IRB modernization  
  • How cutting-edge technologies can streamline IRB processes 
  • Key strategies for implementing virtual meetings and digital health tools 
  • The importance of patient-centered innovations in IRBs and clinical research  

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